Tuesday, November 16, 2010


  We've had a bit of a break between posts and new performance videos. Lots has happened between then and now: Halloween came and went; California has a new governor; many people have celebrated birthdays; Smallville has had about four new episodes;  we've had some scary zombie moments including ambulance action and hospital visit; this zombie has traveled to the near east (as in, Tennessee and Kentucky) and back.Yes, there has been a lot more happening than that, but, alas, such is life.

On the music front, I've finally gotten my laptop fixed and will shortly re-install goodies for music making. I expect that will bring us one step closer to realizing some of the new ditties in a production setting. Oh yeah, and we just bought towel holders and a fondue set. Living large, baby.

This is the sort of a blog post that professional journalists cite as job security. I've got no saucy notions or deep revelations...just a sweet towel holder and a few more good days under my belt.

Tonight we taped three more tunes for You Tube. Hopefully we've got something real and good. With any luck, we'll have a new video up in a week or so. In the meantime, listen to Transatlantiscism from Death Cab for Cutie. Its a fine collection of ditties about emotional distance.

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